Tuesday 17 September 2013

The Key to Our Future Lies in Teenage Drunk Driving Solutions

The problem of teenage drinking and driving is not getting better, and in many areas it is still on the increase. These teens are the future leaders of the country yet many of them risk at least criminal charges if not worse. What is the answer to the problem?

Finding the Solution

Those teenagers who are currently taking foolish chances by drinking and driving are the future leaders of our country. We have to find teenage drunk driving solutions in order to protect the future of our country, but how do we do that? What is the answer to this growing problem? Some of the ways we believe society as a whole can help with the problem include the following:

  • Begin education on this topic long before the teens even begin driving
  • Make sure your teens understand the importance of having a designated driver or staying where they are when they choose to drink
  • Encourage your teens to call home for a ride without fear of punishment (this is also true of not riding with anyone who has been drinking)
  • Set an example by not drinking and driving yourself
These are only the beginning of where we need to be, but Legal-Yogi.com encourages every adult to participate in helping our teens understand and follow the rules of the road. To speak with one of the Legal Yogi experts fill out the form that appears on the website, and someone will contact you in just a few minutes.

The Best Solution

While we do not yet have the best teenage drunk driving solution, it is something on which we definitely need to work. Every day more teenagers are dying in accidents related to alcohol while even more are the cause of accidents that involve personal injury and even death. We need to educate them so they understand drinking and driving do not mix which is the reason it is against the law.

Click Here To Know More About The Solutions For Teenage Drunk Driving !

Improving Accident Statistics

Another thing we need to work on is improving the statistics related to teenage drunk driving accidents. This needs to begin with education at home and with parents being more proactive about where their teens are and what they are doing. Most importantly, do not be afraid to take the keys.

Teenage drunk driving is a serious problem, and we need to find a workable solution. Legal-Yogi.com has an abundance of information parents and all concerned adults will find very helpful. If you are interested in making arrangements for a free consultation, take a few minutes to call 800-397-1755. 

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Helping Parents Prevent Teenage Drunk Driving Accidents

Last year my 18 year old son was in a car accident. When I got a phone call from the hospital in the middle of the night my heart sank. I raced over to the emergency room and was relieved to learn that he had only suffered a broken arm, but when I smelled the booze on his breath and the glassy look in his eyes I realized that this situation was much worse than I initially had anticipated. The person in the other car was in surgery and the police were waiting outside ready to take my son to jail for a booking. This was a scary night for all of us involved and since that time it has been repeated visits to the courthouse, and a spring and summer of learning teenage drunk driving facts and how to prevent our children from adding to these statistics.

Read More About Drinking and Driving Among Teenagers.

  • Alcohol is popular among teenagers. Up to %70 of all teenagers drink alcoholic beverages. Remember that is illegal for teenagers to even handle alcohol.
  • Alcohol is often introduced before a child reaches their teenage years. It is believed that %10 of children between the ages of 12 and 13 drink alcoholic beverages at least once a month.
  • According to statistics, most teen deaths in car accidents were related to alcohol consumption.
  • Every 22 minutes someone is fatally injured in alcohol related car accidents, and most of these accidents involve people in the 15-24 age group. It is almost a certainty that in your lifetime you or someone in your family will be in an alcohol related motor vehicle accident. The statistics support this fact.

What to do with these facts?

These facts really didn't make me feel any better knowing that he probably was pressured into drinking at an early age by some of his “friends”. They always seemed like good kids, but popular culture is pervasive and if you turn on the television these days you often see video of people constantly celebrating and drinking. This isn't the real world they are promoting, but our children have no basis to compare it to anything else, so they often follow their role models and most celebrated characters. I am not hear to preach about how to be a good parent though because our world certainly makes it difficult on us all to raise children to be responsible individuals.

Parents step up

I can say that if you set up rules for your children, and are consistent with them as well as your punishment for breaking them, then you have a made a good start. It should be noted that alcohol is illegal in a teenagers hands. If they and their friends are consuming alcohol on your property you will be held liable. I've since learned that it would have been possible for the victim in his accident to sue me had he consumed alcohol at my home and then caused this accident. You or I could stand to lose everything by enabling children to imbibe alcohol on our watch. Do what you can as parents to prevent teenage drunk driving accidents.

Visit www.legal-yogi.com to learn of new teenage drunk driving solutions and to find legal help should you or your children find themselves in trouble with the law. Call them directly at 1-800-397-1755.